Seasalt Cornwall

Clothing company Seasalt Cornwall’s award-winning overhaul of its reward package was catalysed by the organisation’s rapid growth, expanding from a small family business to one employing 1,300 people in more than 70 retail stores. The company believed its employees “deserved a reward package that reflected this growth and achievement, investing in our people as a share of the company’s growth and success”.

Seasalt’s 2021 engagement survey showed people were underwhelmed by the company’s reward and recognition offering. It noted the limits of its sick and parental leave policies and holiday entitlements, the minimum employer contribution to its pension, few additional benefits beyond the Employee Assistance Programme and pay that reflected the local rather than national market. 

The company recognised that the rewards and recognition package was hindering its attraction and retention goals, and what it found “provided a clear rationale for focusing our investment on reward and recognition for all”.

The team undertook a detailed review of reward and recognition in the retail market. Research, employee feedback and extensive proposals and cost analyses were presented to the board to secure an initial £2m investment in late 2021. The initial investment focused on becoming a Real Living Wage employer, benchmarking salaries, increasing paid parental, sick and annual leave entitlements, and introducing a staff welfare fund for emergency support. It partnered Reward Gateway and Seasalt’s in-house graphics team developed visuals for the offering. 

In April 2022, the first phase of Seasalt Rewards was launched, including a recognition platform with Seasalt e-cards, wellbeing tools and shopping discounts. Managers were also enabled to give out small financial awards as a thank you. The second phase began in July 2022 and included a flexible benefits programme. In the first month after launch, 13 per cent of people either sent or received an e-card and, two years later in April 2024, 12 per cent of employees had sent or received recognition through Seasalt Rewards. Since launch, 54 per cent of employees have received recognition.

The judges hailed the “great reward change programme that helped the firm stand out in the local and national retail job market”.